- Dierendonck Alexander
- Blancke Isabelle
- Lust Hans
- Van De Ginste Lieve
DBLV architects (Dierendonck – Blancke – Lust – Van De Ginste) was founded in 2020 and grew out of years of collaboration between Dierendonckblancke architects and L.U.S.T. architects, two firms with a great affinity for each other’s work, approach and outlook. The multidisciplinary team guides clients in the planning, development and design of residential projects and public buildings, but it is also invested in the creation of public spaces and landscapes. From a critical perspective, complex parameters and (pre)conditions are consistently translated into a clear and readable scheme. Great attention is paid to context, residential quality of living, experiential value, technical execution and fine detailing.
DBLV architects has a diverse portfolio that focuses on projects with a high social and societal impact. It includes completed projects such as student restaurant ‘De Brug’ (UGent) and social housing project ‘Nekkersput’ (SHM De Gentse Haard), projects in progress such as ‘Kaai24’ (SOGent) and an office building (UGent), and projects in the research phase such as social housing projects ‘Europark’ (Woonhaven), ‘Nieuw Gent’ (Woningent) and ‘Studentenplein’ and ‘bicycle parking’ (UGent).
Current collaborators
- Ward Anseeuw, ir. architect
- Gust Hamerlinck, ir. architect
- Julie Helewaut, ir. architect
- Joris Kerremans, ir. architect
- Flore Lenaerts, architect
- Ann Maelbrancke, ir. architect
- Leen Martony, architect
- Jan Spitaels, ir. architect
- Jürgen Vandewalle, architect
- Lode Vertongen, ir. architect
- David Vrambout, ir. architect
- Coralie Laudelout, office manager
Former collaborators
- Lorenz Adriaens
- Bob Beckers
- Jan-Hendrik Beckx
- Pierre de Brun
- Guillaume Delporte
- Emelie Demasure
- Brenda De Neve
- Stijn De Pauw
- Charlotte De Vreese
- Astrid Gheyselen
- Guglielmo Giagnotti
- Lisa Lu
- Pieter Mouton
- Ionut Popa
- Catherine Pyck
- Linde Redant
- Goele Reynders
- François Ricciardi
- Corné Schep
- Koen Schoukens
- Maarten Thys
- Senne Van Buggenhout
- Carmine Van der Linden
- Evelyne Vanhoutte
- Jinse Van Snick
- Clément Viroulaud
- Wim Voorspoels
- Gaël Biache
- Caro Vereecken
- Giacomo Biotto
Lieve Van De Ginste °1968, Ghent, Belgium
Lieve graduated in architecture at Sint Lucas Ghent in 1992 and in Landscape Development at KASK Ghent in 2022. She joined L.U.S.T. architecten as a partner in 2000. Alongside the office, Lieve is a practical assistant at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ghent University and is a jury member for several architecture schools and institutions in Belgium. Prior to joining the practice, Lieve worked for several offices, such as Frank Delmulle Architects, XDGA, TV Stéphane Beel – Xaveer De Geyter, Technum Gent Spatial Planning Department and Atelier Descombes Rampini Genève.
Professional activity
- Jury member architecture, LUCA school of arts
- Project Director ”Meesterproef, Vlaams Bouwmeester” edition 2014 City of Ostend
- Extern Project Supervisor Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Open Call Residential Care Home St-Monica, Ostend
- Extern jury member Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Open Call Youth Centre, Lommel
- Supervisor and jury member for a series of master's theses at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ghent University
- Member of the Quality Chamber Monument Care & Architecture Ghent
- Practical assistant at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ghent University (2002-present)
Isabelle Blancke °1973, Veurne, Belgium
Isabelle graduated in architecture at Sint Lucas Ghent in 1996. She founded Dierendonckblancke architecten together with Alexander in 2009. Alongside the office, Isabelle has been invited to sit on a number of awards and competition juries and is a jury member for several architecture schools and institutions in Belgium. Isabelle was also member of the editorial board of the ‘Architectuurboek Vlaanderen n ° 14’ in 2019. Prior to starting Dierendonckblancke Architecten, Isabelle worked for several offices in Paris and in Belgium, such as Agence Dominque Perrault, Agence Patrice Mottini and TV Stéphane Beel – Xaveer De Geyter.
Professional activity
- Editorial member Architectuurboek Vlaanderen n°14, 2019
- Jury member Febelcem, 2018
- Jury member Ultimas Culture Awards, 2018
- Jury member Euregional Architecture Award 2012, Maastricht
- Jury member masters architecture Sint-Lucas Ghent
Hans Lust °1969, Kortrijk, Belgium
Hans graduated in architecture at Sint Lucas in Ghent in 1992. He founded L.U.S.T. architecten in 1998. Alongside his role in the practice, Hans is a visiting Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ghent University and is a jury member for several architecture schools and institutions in Belgium. He has been a member of leading group “Pilot projects living: New forms of collective living in Flanders” for the Flemish Government. Prior to starting the practice, Hans worked as a project architect for Stéphane Beel and as a project manager in his father’s carpentry business.
Professional activity
- Jury member architecture, LUCA school of arts Ghent
- Jury member Bis Architecture Competition 2014 “A new life for villas and fermettes”
- Promotor and member of the jury for a series of master's theses at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ghent University
- Practical assistant at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ghent University (1999-2015)
- Visiting professor at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ghent University (2015-present)
Alexander Dierendonck °1971, Nieuwpoort, Belgium
Alexander graduated in architecture at Sint Lucas Ghent in 1994. He founded Dierendonckblancke architecten together with Isabelle in 2009. Alongside his role within the practice, Alexander was a visiting Professor at the Peter Behrens School of Architecture in Düsseldorf in 2017 and is a jury member for several architecture schools and institutions in Belgium and abroad. He has been a member of leading group “Pilot projects living: New forms of collective living in Flanders” and “Agrarian Architecture” for the Flemish Government. Prior to starting the practice, Alexander worked for several offices in Paris including Agence Dominique Perrault and Agence Manuelle Gautrand.
Professional activity
- Jury member architecture , LUCA school of arts, Ghent
- Jury member architecture, University of Ghent
- Member of the research group ‘Agricultural Architecture’, commissioned by the Belgian Ministry of Agriculture
- Visiting professor at Peter Behrens School of Architecture , Düsseldorf 2017